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About us

Pastor Scott was responsible for growing the church membership and developing a strong community outreach ministry. his efforts helped to mentor other young pastors and Christian leaders within the Southeast San Diego church community. Under Pastor Scott’s leadership, Mount Olive purchased its current facility at 36 South 35th Street in order to meet the worship needs of a growing congregation.  Pastor Scott also hosted the Baptist Ministers’ bi-monthly meetings with over 15 local pastor using our current facilities. In the fall of 1989, Pastor Scott retired after providing 25 years of faithful pastoral leadership. On December 7, 1989, members of Mount Olive met to select Rev. Thomas Smith, Jr. as their new pastor. In March 2007, Pastor Smith resigned and Rev. Larry Thompson became interim pastor until June 2007 when Dr. Willie E. Manley, Sr. was called to be Mount Olive’s interim pastor.


In September 2007, Pastor Timothy J. Winters, D. Min. (Bayview Baptist Church) and interim Pastor Manley asked Rev. Brian D. Clater, who at that time was Director of Christian Education with Bayview Baptist Church, to submit his name for the candidacy of Mount Olive Baptist Church. On October 7, 2007, Mount Olive was led by God to call Pastor Clater to be her fifth pastor.


Pastor Clater’s “high-definition” preaching style and straight-forward gospel messages have been received enthusiastically by the congregation. In the five years that Pastor Clater has served Mount Olive, our membership has grown numerically with over 104 baptisms in just 60 months of his tenure. Pastor Clater continued to encourage the congregation to walk by faith as he has revitalized church school classes, men’s and women’s ministries and reorganized new member classes. In addition, he started youth Bible study classes and the youth choir ministry.


Mount Olive has always had a strong music ministry. In fact, many musicians that now play for other churches in San Diego started their music careers at Mount Olive. We are blessed to have that legacy continue this day under the leadership of Sis. DeShun Dunn, Choir President, and Sis. Barbara Dunn, Choir Director.


Pastor Clater was blessed to have Deacon Jayson Richmond (Chairman), and Sis. Ruthie Pargo, Trustee Chairperson, working with him to faithfully serve the members of Mount Olive. Pastor Clater also expanded the social media ministry at Mount Olive to include such services as TwitterFacebook, Instagram and a website.


In addition to the ministries that Pastor Clater has revamped, the church has remodeled its sanctuary and updated its kitchen facilities. the church has also modernized its fellowship hall to accommodate adults and children for church-sponsored activities and events. Mount Olive fed our community with free food and distributed clothing to families in need. We are so grateful to God for our past and look forward to God for a great future.


Pastor Antonio Johnson


On December 1, 2019, Pastor Clater retired from the pastorate at Mount Olive Baptist Church. Rev. Antonio D. Johnson succeeded Pastor Clater on December 8, 2019 and was officially installed on March 8, 2020. Pastor Johnson is a dynamic preacher and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Pastor Johnson was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He was baptized at the Providence Baptist Church and was called to preach at the age of 12, preaching his first sermon at 13 years old. Pastor Johnson is a man of God, with a passion for the Word. Pastor Johnson holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. Prior to coming to Mount Olive, Pastor Johnson served at the Macedonia Baptist Church for 13 years under the leadership of Pastor J.R. Bennett, as an assistant minister, youth minister, and finally Executive Pastor from 2016-2019. He is married to Laneé Johnson and they have one daughter, Natecia Johnson.

our pastor & wife:
Tony Johnson
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